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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Writing Game - Hills like White Elephants

My Dear Child

This is the hardest letter I’ve ever had to write. I know that you will never read this letter, nor will you ever get the chance to actually live. This is, however, my way of saying goodbye to you. I need you to know that you would’ve been the most treasured thing in my life – the best thing that had ever happened to me! It was never really my decision not to have you. Had it not been for the fact that your father was never really mine to begin with things might have worked themselves out. But he wasn’t mine and he never had been. He belonged to someone else, and I would’ve never been able to take care of you on my own. You see, the man I loved happened to be quite wealthy, whereas I had never had two coins to rub together. In the short period that your father and I were together we lived a life that very few people did; we travelled to many countries for no other reason than to see the world and to indulge our adventurous spirits. However, I always knew in my heart that it couldn’t last.

I will never be able to apologise enough for not bringing you into the world, I can only tell you that I will regret this choice for the rest of my life.

I am sorry.

Love, Mom.

1 comment:

  1. Letter with a nice touch of melodrama to it - well written!


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