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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Buying of Presents

Buying of Presents
 - Me vs. Time vs. Me
To-day we have buying of presents. Yesterday,
We had a literature assignment. And to-morrow morning,
We shall plan Spanish courses teaching. But to-day,
To-day we have buying of presents. Stress,
the true enemy. Eat healthy, train and don’t think.
          But to-day we have buying of presents.

This is a good toy store. And this
Is the one she wants, which as he will say,
is too heavy for our suitcases. And this is for 6-8 year-olds
Which in her case is past her age. Please stay,
can´t wait another year. Grasp a chance,
          Which in my case is getting past my age.

This is a time saving device, which is always used
when teaching lower grades. And please do not let me
See you
using other methods. You can laminate quite easy
If you want to save some precious time. Sorrow
month after month, never letting anyone see
          I might be using other methods. 

And this is for the one I wish gone. The purpose of this
Is to pretend we accept each other, as you see. We can chat,
share mate and meals: we call this
keeping appearances. And sharing mate and meals
people will ask and we´ll smile and say it´s alright.
          We call it keeping appearances.

We call it keeping appearances: it is perfectly easy
If you want to save some precious time: wishing it gone,
pretending to accept, keep stress low, and get inner balance,
To obtain what in my case is getting past my age; little time left for both of you.
Stop planning and plan more accurately. Relax! Succeed!
Stop thinking and feel. Leave feelings aside and focus.
          For to-day we have buying of presents. 

1 comment:

  1. A very personal version of the Reed method with the added bonus of the carpe diem theme. This goes beyond pastiche, I think...


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