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Thursday, October 27, 2011

War Poem: The Lack of Creativity

Today we have a lack of creativity. Yesterday,

We had even more lack of creativity.

And tomorrow it will probably be the same.

The war against the lack of creativity is a long lost battle in my case.

The lack of interesting ideas is an ongoing war going through my head.

This is a problem. And this

is very hard to do. Where are the others getting their inspiration?

Please ship some of it! Who can help me? I need a muse…

Inspiration – what is it exactly?

And why do we need it?

Do you need a safety-catch, when throwing yourself out into

the wide world of ideas? With an easy flick of the thumb you could be rescued

from the hell of emptiness. The emptiness you feel when given an

assignment you cannot complete.

You can do it quite easy, if you have any strength in your thumb to push the safety-catch.

A rescue does not sound so bad right now.

The purpose of this is to open your mind, as you see. We can do whatever

We want with it – we can go in whatever direction we wish to seek

but this lack of limitation troubles me. No limits is not a good idea,

it gives too much freedom to get confused.

Confused – that is what I am. Confused with a slight twist of creativity.

The war against the lack of creativity has begun – and it will probably never stop

It will continue to trouble me and others throughout time

And I have accepted this.

My abilities will only take me so far and the war against the lack

of creativity that I have will never end.


  1. I like the theme/analogy of emptiness. That we must create ourselves in the nothingness of life - and that it requires a certain amount of creativity that we sometimes lack. Makes me think of Sartre's "Nausea" or his "Being and Nothingness"... Well that's my interpretation at least :)

  2. And the fear of freedom that man suffers from occasionally...

  3. It's more of a riff on Reed's poem than a straight-up parody and pastiche, as most of the text is so far from the original in form and content that the reader likely would not recognize the original behind it. That said, it is not an uninspired text at all, despite its subject matter being the lack of inspiration...


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