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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hills Like White Elephant - A fictionary shortstory of the life of an unborn child

My existing began not long ago. I do not know my exact age, I do not know myself and I do not even know my creator(s). Something I do know is that sloshing around in here is nauseating. It makes me feel sick.

I do not know what I am capable of yet; I need more time to explore that. But I am under pressure. They are discussing how wonderful, easy and unproblematic their existences would be without me. They would be better off without me….
Did anyone consider asking me about my opinion? Howcome I do not have a say in the matter of my own destiny? Yes, I believe I am a living being. I am alive so that makes perfect sense. Only to me it seems. I do not understand why they would create me just for the reason of throwing me away. It hurts. It irritates me. I have feelings. I have feelings… I have feelings! Why won’t you listen? I beg you. I am on my undeveloped knees begging for mercy. Please let me live. Let me experience the wonders that you are. I do not know what an elephant is, I do not know what white is, but I long to experience it.

Let me live, please?


  1. The foetus speaks - nice idea! Actually, I intended the students not to re-use the short story genre, but choose another genre, as this is too close to being the same exercise as My Last Duchess. But still, well done..!

  2. This is an interesting angle to the topic. Instead of letting scientists speak on behalf of the foetus, it does so itself, which is really intriguing. I especially like how you keep in mind that is not yet fully developed (with the undeveloped knees) and that it does not know of the outside world (elephants, the color white). Nicely done!


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