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< title>Digitalization< /title>
< Author function>Code-monkey< /Author function>
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< context= It is estimated that over 1 billion computers are in-use. It is estimated that almost 23 % of all people in the world have internet access. Yes, the world has indeed become digitalized. For many, a world without a computer sounds about as right as a world without colors would sound to a painter. Sure, most of us enjoy the internet. We enjoy it in all our blissful ignorance. We enjoy our internet, our MP3 files which undoubtfully have been downloaded legally, right? We enjoy watching television on our flat-screen full HD monitor and use our cell-phones. >
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< script type=convey point; Yet very few really grasp the actual concept. We don’t understand that we are all so very depended on those two small numbers: 0-1. We don’t really understand that the internet in fact is written before watched. But then again, why should we care? After all, as long as it works there is no need to worry, right? >
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