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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Release of Prisoners

Release of prisoners 
Today we have release of prisoners.  Yesterday,
We had negotiation. And tomorrow morning
We shall resume hostilities.  But today
Today, we have release of prisoners.  Amidst waving flags
And cheers among the crowds of waiting onlookers
Today we have the release of prisoners.

This one is a soldier.  And this
Is one too, as you will see,
when you are given back your son,
whom in your case you have not seen.  For five years. 
His bed at home unslept in and yet made ready for his return. 
His mother keeps a photo of his youthful face.
Which in his case he has not got.

This is the camera button, which when released is always accompanied
 by the click of the shutter. Please do not let me
see anyone using a flash.  Not even by accident.  Our guests
are fragile and motionless,  never letting anyone see
the whites of their eyes.

And these you can see is the bolt.  The purpose of this
is to inhibit motion, as you see.  We can slide it
open and shut.  We call this
lockdown.  Latest edition, British made. 
Sold to us by your government a time we thought they were our friends. 
Before the lock-down.

Before the lock-down, we were friends
and our cameras snapped our happy faces
and we talked at the dinner table.  We talked about
oil and the balance of power.
We in our case we have not got,
and the chatter and shutters are silent,
For today we have release of prisoners.   

Helen Springall after Henry Reed.
18th October 2011

1 comment:

  1. Chilling version of the poem - very original and almost beyond even pastiche, being a valid poem in its own right. Impressive!


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