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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Writing game week 3- Author's Function: JVM

Writing Game week 3: Author function

Author Function: Letter writer
Abstracts Notion: War

Dear Michael

I hope that you are doing alright under the circumstances and that the heat isn’t too hard on you. Back home everything is quite the same, your sister is doing well in school and dad has enough to do in the shop. We all miss you very much and look forward to pick you up in the airport. I want to give you a heads-up on the plans for the day you get back home. The entire family want’s to arrange a welcome back party for you and I know that you will be tired – but everyone would be SO happy if you could join them for a couple of hours and then I’ll excuse you and send you off to bed. Oooh, it’s going to be so great to see your face again.
I hope that you keep your spirits high and that you stay safe for the next to weeks. OH, your sister says hi again!!

Love you so much

If I were to choose another author function, E.g. journalist, the language would be less personal and more informative. It would describe an American soldier’s situation in the war in Afghanistan seen from on outside perspective. Perhaps much more detailed to explain the current situation to the reader, rather than his mom writing him a personal letter without directly explaining what her son is doing and were he is doing it.

If my author function was a novelist I could do it in the same informal language but I would choose to create more history around the letter or perhaps choose to follow the story from the mother’s/the son’s or the father’s view. 

1 comment:

  1. Good reflections on the alternatives in author function. As a letter it captures nicely the mother's emotions, and her focus on practicalities at the same time - very realistically done!


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