Worlds first poet.
In the days of the birth of man.
Shake a Spear walks to girl. He says:
”I want fuck. Now I say crap stuff. Then you like me and sex me up.”
”K.” girl says
Shake a Spear walked up on a rock and spoke and yelled.
”You are sweet. Sweet like fruit!”
”Thank you.” The girl says while she is glad.
”I like fruit. I eat fruit. Let me eat you.” He yelled more.
”Yes. You are big and strong and say crap stuff. I like that for I am girl and dumb.” She took his hand and they left.
(So yeah. I didn't quite get that we should stay as true to the text as possible. But hey. It totally works on it's own.)
Brilliant - made me laugh out loud!
ReplyDeleteCaveman Shakespeare - totally works as a parody!! And I didn't tell you to stick true to the original - that's all in your head...