The other day I experienced the oddest encounter with a Duke at his home. This is what happened:
He walked me down the hall, the Duke – with his squared shoulders in place and an impatient pace in his steps, though with a slight anticipating undertone. Down a darkened corridor we went – why was it so dark, I remember thinking. Only a dim light at the end of the long corridor I was able to see. Went past door after door after door – darkened wooden doors.
At the end of the hall he stopped, sighed and looked at me as to ask me if I was ready. Ready for what, I thought, because I had not got the slightest clue as to what I was about to see. Another sculpture perhaps – I had seen the extensive art collection when I walked through the door into the hall, but I could not figure out what kind of art he felt the need to hide away at the end of a darkened corridor with only one dim light.
I moved further down the corridor and went to stand beside him – a veil of some sort was hanging on the wall hiding something – a frame perhaps. He sighed again, but this time with a hint of pride in his face. So this was something he was proud of I thought and my curiosity awakened and I could now not wait to see what was hidden behind the veil.
He indicated for me to take a step back, not far back, but just so that I would be able to see what was behind the veil and close enough so I would not have to squint. With that he drew the veil to the side and I could then see the Duchess staring back at me. It was not a large portrait, but large enough for me to take a step back by the intensity of it – the eyes of the duchess were so intense that I could not help but feel that there was more to the story of the portrait that I was immediately led on from the Duke.
After staring at the portrait for no more than ten seconds the Duke spoke up for the first time since I entered the home no more than seven minutes ago. “My late wife, the Duchess”. I could feel the coldness in his words and a shiver ran down my spine, because my senses had been proved right – something about the portrait had something hidden.
The Duke then began to talk about his late wife and I could hear the bitterness in his tone when talking about her. His possessive nature shone through his speech and I was pretty sure that something about her death would soon come to the surface – a surface that was so close now and I realised that it never really had been that far from the surface before and the shiver that ran down my spine before spread to the rest of the body and I took yet another small step back from the portrait.
When the Duke then began talking about how she never smiled her beautiful smile for only him and not others, I was completely sure of my assumptions. The Duke had killed his wife in cold blooded murder, and he now had a portrait of her hanging on his wall, with a smile so big that was only for him and not others. On top of that I learned that it was the man with whom the Duchess was in love with who had painted the portrait and that only made the experience more surreal to me.
I could now clearly see the possessive nature of Duke – it shone out of him. He now began telling the tale of how he did not like how she, in his mind did not have much respect for him as a nobleman, as he felt that she should respect the family name. She should also have been caring for him more than any other thing and not have had her eyes wander other place – which was what lead to her death.
After revealing what displeased him about his late wife, he went on to tell a tale of his other arts in the house and not long after that, I was able to walk from the home of the Duke only remembering the surreal experience it was to look into the intense eyes of the Duke’s Last Duchess.
Very comprehensive prose retelling by a young visitor. Why does the Duke confess to him? What will he do with his knowledge now?