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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Last Duchess - The Emissary

Ferrara showed us into the living room. On the wall was a single painting. It was a painting of a woman. A beautiful woman. As I sat down to discuss the terms of his marriage to his new duchess he pointed to the picture and said, “That is the last duchess. Frà Pandolf worked busily on it and now here she is.” She looked so young and vibrant. It was hard to imagine how she could die young. “She was flattered too easily though. “ Then he told me how she had a flirty nature that even showed in the presence of Frà Pandolf. “It was obvious to everyone. All could see that the smiles she send other men. They should have been for me. But they were not reserved just for me.” He seemed quite upset with his former wife. Quite angry actually. “A single command and all the smiles stopped. She never appreciated the traditions that comes with the name I gave her.” Did Ferrara have anything to do with his wife’s untimely death? As he spoke of her it seemed likely. I could not stop thinking about it. But there was nothing I could do about it. Only wonder if he would do it to his next wife as well. As we went down below I understood Ferrara’s intentions. “Look at Neptune taming the sea horse. It is said to be a rarity but I had it cast in bronze.” I was convinced that Ferrara was a man that would dispose of no means to get his way. Not with materialistic object nor with people.

1 comment:

  1. Appropriate retelling of the poem form the emissary's point-of-view, but a little dubious in terms of who he is talking to and why - also his "there was nothing I could do about it" is a bit of a cop-out!


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