Love, one of the nicest words we could find into the dictionary and one of the favourite writing topics for writers.
Love is a feeling which is in our lives every single hour, every day. You can love your parents, your friends, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, the music of your favourite band, when autumn leaves start to fall, the little details, the rainy days, going for a walk along the beach…
But some people think that love is a bad feeling because they fell in love with the wrong person and they suffered, they could think that romantic films are boring,
In addition, sometimes there are some cases in which people who are quite jealous and mistreat his/her boyfriend/girlfriend think that this situation can be named love.
Writers choose and write about this topic because they can talk about a romantic story which started when two children had fifteen or a story about an unrequited love. Moreover, they have to remember that there is only one step from love to hate.
Love cannot be defined by a dictionary; this word must be defined by each single person who knows it because the definition depends on the person and his feelings about love.
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