Once upon a time in a far-away country, the happy people lived a quite happy live, in blissful ignorance to the outside world. It was not that the happy people did not care for outsiders, they merely did not know of their existence and as far as they were concerned it never even mattered. The happy people lived their peaceful lives amongst each other with no concerns or regrets. Next to the town of the happy people was a lake. This lake was treasured amongst the happy people, and they thought of it as how the outsiders would think of a god, though religion was not a term which they were familiar of. The lake provided them with water to drink, to water their fields, build their houses and provided food. They lived in perfect, undisturbed harmony with the lake and its spirits.
One day, when the happy people woke up from the careless sleep they found the lake to be covered by a thick, immense fog. And with this fog came the strange people. The happy people could, however, not see them. They were blurred in shadow, hidden behind the good intensions and promises of change. By time, the strange people made their way to the lake from which they originally came to the town. It was here they found the amazing recourses which the lake had to offer. Tempted by its treasures, the strange people started to harvest it, mindlessly emptying the lake till there was nothing left but a cold large area covered with black water. The strange people needed the resources to fuel the chaos in which their own world was thrown into.
Meanwhile, the happy people, slept restlessly with nightmare-filled dreams about evil blurry spirits invading their town and minds. The happy people were confused. Why was the lake bringing darkness and sadness into their lives? Feelings which they had never been encountered by before. Scared beyond reason, the happy people rushed to the lake only to find the water blank and dark. The spirit of the lake had left the happy people. They shivered as they realized that they were about to be thrown into the empty darkness of the lake, destined to float in the infinite slipstream of the hunger by the strange people. As the lake abandoned them they knew that their existence, as they knew it, was coming to an end. Just then, a deep roar rumbled, first distant, then close. The happy people, numbed by the anger of the roar, could only watch as waves from the lake rose and washed away the fog which had covered their precious lake. For a short moment of clear-sight, the happy people knew what had taken place, though in vain; The very same waves which had flushed away the fog now rolled towards the shore, where the happy people still stood, bound to the ground by their beliefs and the betrayal of the strange people. And then, there was darkness.
Nice atmosphere of fear evoked by this. Reads like an allegory - of invasion, fascism, evil - disturbing us happy Danes...