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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

“Little Daniels Adventure getting up in the morning.”

  • A Little Daniel Adventure written by Phil

Little Daniel did not want to wake up. He wanted to sleep. Forever preferably. He slept so sweettly and dreamed of all that which little boys dream of in their beds during the night, untouched by the cruel Mr. Morning Sun.

“Why yes Mr. Lollypop I would very much like to lick you.”

“Golly! There is ice-cream everywhere. How delightful!”

“Splendid! This chocolate river filled with the blood of my enemies will go oh so very well with these baby strawberries whom I so wholeheartedly wish to devour down into my belly.”

He would would say to himself while scratching his belly: “I am so undoubtedly happy”

Outside of Little Daniels room, the cars filled with busy people with busy jobs drove by.

“Vroom, vroom!” they said. “Little Daniel you must get up. Vroom vroom! You must go get busy!”

But the cars outside could not disturb Little Daniel. He slept so soundly that it deafened the cars plea.

“Squee, squee!” The little birds sang outside his window. “Little Daniel you must get up. Squee squee! The early bird catches the worm.”

But Little Daniel took such delight in the birds singing that he fell oeven more asleep!

Oh no Little Daniel! How are we going to get you up?

Dr. Alarm Clock sat sadly and watched as nothing could get his dear friend up.

Yes, Dr. Alarm Clock and Little Daniel were dear friends – although Little Daniel always forgot his friend. This always made Dr. Alarm Clock very sad, but I was alright. He knew Little Daniel did not do it on purpose.

Little did Little Daniel know that his tranquil dream was about to end – even before he had time to lick Mr. Lollypop.

For oh no!

Mr. Morning Sun was rising above the town of Aalborg!

“Ha Ha Haa! Good morning citizens!” Mr Morning Sun laughed.

"Mr. Morning Sun all is not well in little town of Aalborg. Little Daniel does not want to wake up!" Dr. Alarm Clock yelled to Mr. Morning Sun

"Well now." Mr. Morning Sun said. "We can't have that now can we? Worry not, for I shall shine my brightest and lightest light onto his face and so he shall wake up."

"Thank you so much Mr. Morning Sun. You truly are a friend indeed." Dr. Alarm Clock said while he happily danced around.

And so Mr. Morning Sun shone his brightest and Lightest light on Little Daniel - and so he woke up!

Hurray for Mr. Morning Sun!

"Uuuuh" Little Daniel yawned. "Oh no, I have awoken. This is quite a hassle. Now I cannot dream!"

But outside two strange black men - whom you must never befriend for they are all gangsters and rappers - stood and spoke their oh so very strange language.

"Umfa umfa umfa!" they said to each other.

Little Daniel smiled. He took comfort in their strange gibberish for they reminded him that tomorrow brings a new day and for every day there must be a night.

A night where he can dream of all that is sweet and delicious. Like candy and unicorns.

And so Little Daniel was sad no more.

The End

Also read:

Little Daniel Adventure with the Lost kitten

Little Daniel Adventure with the Prostitute

Little Daniel Adventure "What is cancer?"

1 comment:

  1. Well, we'll do parodies later so your talents will come in handy there. The other three volumes of Little Daniel Adventures sound more interesting!


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