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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Comments on Hyperfiction

At first I really did not know what to make of hyperfictional texts. Isn't it strange, that they are even called texts? I felt misslead, yes, even betrayed by this announcement. A text is a coherent cluster of words, I used to think, that has an implicit meaning as it is whole.
Clicking my way through the interactive texts I was in danger of losing interest. My responsibility as a reader was challenged and I nearly gave up on it. Reading "these waves of girls" by Caitlin Fisher, brought me back on track. I liked the small bundles of texts and their message.
Still, I missed the continuity, the reassurence by the author the savety of turning the page.
I guess I'm just old-school when it comes to reading preferences.
Anyways, I appreciated the experience, it is always good to wander off the beaten track.

1 comment:

  1. You are fair and open-minded in your assessments. I like the description of Fisher's hypertext as 'small bundles of text' - that captures a signature feature of these waves of girls quite well!


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