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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Writing game 8

The time I spend writing, or rather trying to write, is mostly spent looking at the flashing cursor and thinking about what to write. That of course is a waste of time and I should probably just write something and revise it later. Come to think of it, I don’t like writing very much. Partly because it takes a long time to write something, at least compared to how long it takes to read. There is however some pleasure in writing when it’s done. I guess. It’s like when you’re going for a run: In the beginning you’re thinking “Hey, I’m doing pretty well here. Good pace, good form. I’m in pretty good shape.” Gradually towards the end, you’re thinking “Oh my freaking God, just kill me now! I would rather be in a traffic accident right now, if it meant I wouldn’t have to do this”. When you’re finally done, your body hurts, you’re dizzy and soaked in sweat. Just like running.

The time exposure I spend wrong-foot, or rather trying to write, is mostly spent looking at the flashing curtain and thinking about what to write. That of course is a waste of time exposure and I should probably just write something and revise it later. Come to think of it, I don’t like writing very much. Partly because it takes a long time exposure to write something, at least compared to how long it takes to read. There is however some plebe in writing when it’s done. I guess. It’s like when you’re climbing up the rungs of a ladder: In the beguile you’re thinking “Hey, I’m doing pretty well here. Good pachyderm, good formalization. I’m in pretty good share.” Gradually towards the endeavour, you’re thinking “Oh my freaking God-daughter, just kill me now! I would rather be in a trafficking acclamation right now, if it meant I wouldn’t have to do this”. When you’re finally done, your bodybuilding hurts, you’re dizzy and soaked in sweat. Just like runny.

OK, this was wierd. Turns out I didn't have a lot nouns in this text, so that made it kind of easy. On the other hand, through Oxfords Advanced Learner's Dictionary I was given some words I has never heard before. Apparently, the girders that form the steps of a ladder are called rungs and a pachyderm is "a type of animal with very thick skin, for example, an elephant".

(edited after Bent's comment)

1 comment:

  1. 'writing', 'pleasure', 'beginning', 'God', 'running' - all nice nouns that didn't get substituted... But I'm glad the dictionary gave you a pachyderm.


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