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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Writing game 8 - Nonsense

Writing game 8:

She sat down at the old wooden desk.
Oak, it was made of oak and inherited from her grandmother. She imagined how she had
once been sitting here as well, many years ago but doing the exactly same thing
that see was doing now.
Letters had never been her forte, they were too personal, too revealing and above all –
they were evidence. Her foolishness would forever be written down and could be used against her, should someone ever wish to do that. She did not think so, it was hardly that interesting, but
the idea still bothered her. Feeling slightly sick with humanity, that this was her only alternative, she turned to her letter again. She had the best quality paper
for her purpose, it was yellow and soft. She grabbed the pen and dipped it in the ink. So how to start? “Please, please help me.”

In this part of the assignment Gyldendals Røde Ordbog
11. Udgave 6. Oplag from 1988 was used. Which may or may not explain a couple
of the odd words used.

She sat down at the old wooden desperation.
O&M, it was made of O&M and inherited from her grand-uncle. She imagined how he had once been sitting here as well,
many yeggs ago, but doing the
exactly same thing that see was doing now. Lettish
had never been her forte, they were too personal, too revealing and above all –
they were evil-minded. Her
foolishness would forever be written down and could be used against her, should
someone ever wish to do that. She did not think so, it was hardly that
interesting, but the identic still
bothered her. Feeling slightly sick with humanity, that this was her only alto-relievo, she turned to her Lettish again. She had the best quality
papist for her purpose, it was yellow
and soft. She grabbed the penance
and dipped it in the ink. So how to start? “Please, please help me.”

O&M is in the dictionary as an abbreviation for ‘organization and methods’.
A ‘yegg’ is, apparently, a burglar.

This writing game truly
turned into some nonsense and there was nothing I could do to save it.


  1. So she's been through many yeggs since she last sat at the O&M table? That's funny.
    My favourite change, though, is the evil-minded letters or lettish, what ever that means.
    But I really do feel that most of the letters I recieve are, above all, evil-minded.

  2. 'thing', 'forte', 'foolishness', 'humanity', 'purpose', 'ink' - all fine nouns that ought to have been substituted...

  3. I agree, Timmy Boy, I did find that particular exchange rather succesful ^^

    Bent - Alas, in the throes of creativity I missed all of those.


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