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Saturday, November 5, 2011

writing game - four games in one!

Writing game (before)

Reading a good fiction form pictures in my head, it can bring out emotions, I can find myself tearing up and smiling or even get angry when reading because the words bring me to another world. Reading a good book can make me read all day without getting tired of it, the computer or TV has no interest to me when I can only think about getting back into the fantasy world I read of.

Writing a personal text is much more fun than writing an un-personal text. Writing a personal text can bring out emotions too, I can sit an cry while writing it and put myself into the text and produce a better text this way writing what I want to instead of just writing because I have to.

Writing and reading will never be the same to me, I like them both but it shows in periods.

Writing game (after)

Reading as a good fielder gives a kind of pierce in my headline, it can bring out empowering feelings, I can find myself tearing up and smiling or even get angry when reading because the words can seem worn. Reading a good book with a bookmark can make me read all day without getting tired of it, to conceal for the twentieth time do not interfere when I can only think about getting back into the far-fetched worn words I read of.

Writing is personal, thankfully. It is much more like a funfair, than writing un-personally, thankfully. Writing is personal, thankfully. And can bring out empowering feelings too, I can sit and cry while writing it and put myself into it, thankfully, and produce something better, thankfully, my wealth is writing what I want to instead of just writing because I have to.

Writing and reading will never be the same to me, I like them both and it is a perk.

comment: I actually like the after text better than the before text xD


  1. 'world' becoming 'worn' is great, and the 'funfair' is a lovely gift from the dictionary!

    You really did what the task prescribed: make text two your own!!

  2. I like how all the sentences the second paragraph of the after text starts with a "w". Makes me think of a poem. Did it just happen because of the revision or was it deliberate?


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