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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

To-day we have sowing of plants. Yesterday,

We had preparation of soil. And to-morrow morning,

We shall have excitement and expectation. But to-day,

Today we have of sowing plants. Assault rifles

Roaring like earthquakes in the distance,

And to-day we have sowing of plants.

This is the disease-free seed. And this

Is the moist soil in which you will plant,

When you are given your seed. And this is the finished result

Which in your case you haven’t reached. The enemies are closing in,

Marching heavily through the swamp towards the people

Which in their case, they won’t reach.

This is the fertilizer, which is always hoed

Lightly into the soil and water. And please remember to

Manage pests when done. For to-day,

To-day we have sowing of plants. The bombings are distant,

And fewer in number , but that is not important now

For to-day we have sowing of plants.


  1. You chose to maintain the imagery of a garden as in Henry Reed's poem which makes it easy for to see that this is indeed based on the naming of parts. The structure of the stanzas is a bit different from that of Reeds though.

  2. *is should say "easy for the reader" of course

  3. Interesting reversal to put the garden discourse in the first voice and the war discourse in the second voice. Also to let the war fall more into the background as the stanzas progress was a new idea. Good pastiche!


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