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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Writing Game 1

Writing Game Number 1
The clock is ticking,
I have to start.
A poem in five minutes?
There must be an art!
Iambic pentameter or haiku,
or what?
A false start is better
than a start that is not.
Now, after eight lines the rhymes have dried up,
I’ve drunk all my tea, I’ll refill the cup.
A poem need not rhyme,
but the scansion has slipped
A free thought let loose
and creativity clipped.
Helen Springall, 6th September 2011


  1. Meta-poem! Nicely done. I like the moment when the rhyme dries up only to be replenished again. A classic moment all writers have experienced all too many times, but you wring a bit of humour out of it to boot!


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