My red fingers stretched to reach
'Twas my duty to tell and teach
The man of name and title
How servility was vital
Easy his mind was to rotten
Ignorant he shall remain of what he could have gotten
Even before the order was given
Into an empty cave she was driven
Her nature was of scarce simplicity
I made him care only for domesticity
Her candle too brightly lit
Idle on his hands he could not sit
Worthless belongings to him are dear
The loss of them chokes him with fear
Colors on the wall soothe his soul
Much easier than life they are to control
The memory of her delight his collection adorns
I will give him his days, then reveal to him my horns
His future on red hot coals I resolve to shape
Though suffer and writhe he will he shall not escape
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Devil! Lucifer clearly has the Duke's number, esp. in stanza 4 which characterizes him really well!