Author function: Scribbler
Abstract notion: Identity
Think about it: how many times a day does the word ‘I’ escape exactly your lips? I mean, that is a whole lot of I’s! Considering it, we are quite self-centred, aren’t we? We’re not listening to others really, but merely waiting for our turn to speak up and narrate something we don’t believe out listeners can live without hearing. How about the usage of ‘we’? Just count how many times the word occurred in the previous lines. Four times. But, who is ‘we’? When casually using the word I’m referring to who, exactly? ‘We’, as in all the people in the world? ‘We’, as in everybody in my own hemisphere? Or who is ‘we’? Can the notion of ‘we’ really be determined before the ‘I’ is really known?
Had I chosen another author function it would for sure have been more structured and made a lot more sense (as opposed to the zero meaning it makes now).
I like your scribbler dribbling the concept into complete meaninglessness. Philosophers do that too sometimes...