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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I do not want to be rude…..

But could you please give me your undivided attention for the next thirty seconds? Attention is a pretty interesting concept, given that it often acts as a large motivator for why people act as they do.
No, attention is probably not the correct term to use here, rather the need for it. Let us be honest here for a second: Human beings crave attention.

Yes, even you, child.

It is okay to shake your head and go “nu-uh”, but it is the reason you post every obsessive detail, every worthless little happening in your life on Facebook, the reason your picture folder has a thousand pictures, ten for each time you saw a mirror. It is this vague, onanistic notion providing you with the validation which you crave, this feeling that people are boundlessly interested in what goes on in your life. The internet helps to fuel this, your addiction, with this omnipotent feeling of being able to access all the information in the world.

Not to worry though, I promise not to tell anyone about the truth of it all, for I am the same. I need this just as much as you. After all, I made this blog.

Notion: Craving attention
Author function: Blogger. I guess it would have been more detached and clinical had I used a different author approach. It also ended up sounding really pretentious and stupid.
[200 words exactly, YIRRRRR]


  1. I found this to be both rude and offensive. Thank you

  2. Really tried to read this, but then I saw my reflection in the screen...

  3. Good capture of the Narcissist blogger as an author. You got the balance between self-love and -loathing quite right, as did the two first comments, b.t.w.!


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