Author of freedom. 1st person singular and it would most likely have been more objective if had been wirtten in 3rd person, and humble for that sake. I am very unsure of this assignment, so it can be that I am incorrect in this statement, and that it has nothing at all to do with the assignment.
Freedom, one word, but a word with many different meanings. Try and think of freedom ,of what it means to be free, see what images pop up in your head and then compare to what your friends, or family perceives as freedom. I will almost guarantee they will differ. But honestly, what can be perceived as freedom in this modern world of ours? Are you free if you are financial Independent? Are you free if you are unemployed and can do whatever you please? What exactly do we associate with the word freedom? No matter what, one is not truly free is he? One is always restricted and confined by the frames of society; a society “created” by what we supposedly “want”, or is it really what our ancestors wanted? The freedom we are currently granted, does not satisfy me to a context where I feel saturated. It does not feel like our generation, have had a say in this matter. Sure, we can vote, but a modern government does not refine the boundaries of society, they simple change them little by little, back to what they used to be. Not nearly enough what I would want. What I crave.
Sounds a lot like a blog entry! A little philosophical, somewhat existentialist in tone... Quite alright.