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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Author function: bard. Abstract notion: war

Let it be known that war is coming,  The great armies of our enemies are amassing and we must resist.  Even now I tell you more are joining the fight.  Out beyond the plains of freedom, a crowd as hostile as a storm at sea is gathering.  This axis of evil.  This torment and plague upon our freedoms!  This will not be war as you or I have known it in the past.  It is a war for our minds.  Listen, can you hear it?  The eternal march of our enemy.  We must drown out the footfalls of their approach.  Hear me!  Now is the time to  act. Our best defence is attack. To arms!   Whoever dares to challenge us shall be smote and be as dust under our feet.  Come!  Arise now to stop this horror, this insidious enemy.  We shall vanquish our foes!  Our magnificence shall be remembered for eternity.  If we succeed, we shall be remembered as the victors.  If we fail, we shall be remembered for our nobility, our honour, and our valour.  Come! 


  1. Somehow, as I was writing this, I was thinking of Virgil's Aeneid, and reflecting on GW Bush's declarations on 'the war on terror'. If it were a news report, there would be more facts and we might actually find out who 'we' are, or even who 'they' are.

  2. The bard and the journalist are almost diametrical opposites... There aren't any jobs left for bards, I think, these days.

  3. I find it very interesting that this bard focuses on "a war for our minds". I was under the impression that bards generally focused more on the physical side war rather than the mental. It works very well however!


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