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Monday, September 12, 2011

I believe

I believe in the good story. Perhaps it is the combination of the good story and the context in which it is told I find interesting.
I believe that we are expected to create something unique in this blog. But I can tell you nothing you have not heard before. Since it is my blog - I guess I set the agenda.  
I believe that most writers are dreamers. Most of them suffer from posttraumatic stress from reality. This is why they hide behind their words and create a world of their own. Their imaginary world can be just as crucial as the real world - the point is that they play the role as God.
I believe that the modern solution to life, being the right job, the right car, the right partner and the right hobby, is just a label. It tells nothing interesting about you as a unique person.
I believe that the wisest people in the world are wise of all other reasons than education.
I believe that the greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.  Perhaps a bit corny, but everything else is just a consequence of good or bad decisions.
I believe that if you look at my life from an outside perspective you might think of it as a circus – but it is my circus and you are more than welcome to join me. 

1 comment:

  1. I like this one. You are yourself and no one else. And that is refreshing :-)


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