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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Falling apart

Today we have fallen apart. Yesterday,
we had common dreaming. And tomorrow morning,
we shall have a divorce. But today,
today we have fallen apart. Musk
calls like a promise from your head to your toe,
and today we have fallen apart.

This is the final low point. And this
is how far we have come, is there a point I don't see
beneath and atop of all things? And this is dignity,
which in your case you have not got. Your mouth
and your hands hold their silent, eloquent gestures,
which in your case you have not got

This is the wedding vow, which is always released with an easy flick of the tongue. And please
do not let me see you using your puppy-eyes.
You can do it quite easy if you lack any love
and your heart is numb. I am fragile and
motioness, never letting anything show,
anything left from the heart.

And this is how you try to bolt. The purpose of this
is to open the breach we don't see. We can slide in
rapidly backwards and forwards: we call this denying your fling. And rapidly backwards and forwards
to the early endearments and the recent assaults:
you call it denying your fling.

They call it it's only a fling: it's perfectly easy
if you deny it with your tongue: try to bolt
through the breach and your cock's just a piece,
worn with dignity, which in your case you have not got
and I am silent here in the garden not going backwards nor forwards,
for today I am falling apart.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pastiche, transferring the war to the relationship arena. You've kept the different voices from Reed's original, and added a convincing tone of bitterness...


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